Nations, Behold thy God

Symphony Cantata

The Story Behind the Music ...

In the year 1989 a young woman who lived in extreme poverty and deprivation would be visited with a gift from her all-powerful God. A trickle of music would begin a deluge of masterful symphonies, sweeping her up from her pallid existence into the intensity of sacred wonderment. The young woman had no background in music and had never entertained the thought of composing music, but God, whose plans exceed every imaginable thought, was about to use an unsuspecting servant. Deep in her sleep, the symphonies would pour into her hushed reality. She would awake conducting the orchestra with the song fully embedded into her memory. From that point she would write out the lyrics, make notes about the instruments being used, and catalog the music. It was the beginning of what would become powerful explosions of orchestral and choral sound depicting the Second Coming of Christ.

The woman in the above writing, is me. I have written over a thousand songs, but the largest project, the one that needs funding, holds the largest music that the Lord has allowed me to hear. A Symphony – Nations, Behold Thy God. It is a $300K project.

Ways that I have tried to go forward with this project:

  • Prayer Teams                  
  • Social Media                    
  • Acclaimed Composer/Arranger Reviews              
  • Radio Interviews            
  • International Recording Artist Reviews                
  • Book Signings   
  • Cold Calls           
  • Listener Feedback          
  • Meetings with Investors
  • Website

If you feel inclined to help, contact me for details, or simply donate here. Thank you so much!