True Angel Stories

Foreword by Lonnie Melashenko, Former Director/Speaker for Voice of Prophecy (19 years), and prolific Author of 28 books regarding Brenda M Lane's book, He Shall Send Angels

Brenda M Lane is very excited about publishing this book. But she hesitated. And for good reason. “I certainly never set out to be an author,” she told me. “My degree is in Engineering Technology (drafting and design)” – far removed from the realm of angels and the supernatural! But Brenda’s keen awareness of “things unusual” led her to carefully keep an account of “several extraordinary experiences that happened to her throughout her life.” Having read “In The Presence of Angels”, Brenda set out on a quest to get in touch with me personally. But how, since I had “retired” from the Voice of Prophecy? At some length she pursued until she finally succeeded. By email she asked if I would be willing to read a preliminary rough draft. Could she, a non-writer, ask me for my personal “critical evaluation” and candid reaction?

Hello? Confession time … (for many reasons) I just don’t do it.

That being the case, here I am today making an exception for Brenda and this book. I told her why … Your book would be a refreshing “breath of fresh air” because I was both intrigued and blessed reading the rough draft which you sent me. Go for it, girl!”

--E. Lonnie Melashenko
(Dayton, Ohio: February 25, 2014)