Published again in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book Miracles and the Unexplainable!!

Encouraging and Inspiring stories told by each of the contributing authors. Wonderful to be a part of that blessed group of writers. You will love the stories! Be sure to pick up a copy for yourself! 

To hear the podcast, click on the picture or HERE:  Megaphone Embeddable Player

2018 Published as a contributing author in Chicken Soup for the Soul book; Dreams and the Unexplainable.


The plan was to drive five hours from the Napa Valley to a northern coastal town for a little weekend vacation. I had invited my best friend, Paula, to take that weekend trip with me. The day before our departure, she called to say that she wouldn’t be able to make the journey because she had been asked by her boss to attend a meeting the very evening we were supposed to leave. I told her we could just pack the car and take off when her meeting was over.

I waited in the car while the meeting we assumed would take one hour stretched into three. When Paula finally came out, she only opened the car door long enough to say, “I’m so sorry.” That’s when her boss stuck his head out the door and asked her to come back in. At that point, a thought struck me:

God must be delaying us for a purpose.

When Paula returned fifteen minutes later, profusely apologizing, I told her not to worry. We started out on our big adventure, but before we even reached the “Thanks for Visiting” sign at the end of town, we both decided that we should get an ice cream cone. We pulled into the last open ice cream stand and went in to order.

“Oh, I’m sorry, but we just turned off the machine! But I’ll turn it back on,” the cheery waitress said. We waited twenty minutes for that ice cream to get hard enough to put into a cone. Paula and I just looked at each other.

When we were finally back in the car and on our way, we were stopped at a train crossing… by a very, very long train.

“What is going on?” Paula moaned.

“God is delaying us, Paula,” I responded happily.

An hour from our destination, Paula had fallen asleep, and I was driving on the deserted freeway. Well, deserted, except for the one car in front of me ....